Eye surgery centre: Pure water system for washer disinfectors
At one of the most renowned eye surgery centres, doctors perform the entire range of ophthalmology services. The delicate ophthalmological instruments require particular care when it comes to cleaning and disinfection. Special washer disinfectors (WDs) ensure that these instruments are optimally cleaned and disinfected. Treated water that is free from salts, silica and silicon oxide is required to operate these WDs.
Following extensive consultation, EnviroFALK was able to impress the client with the compact GREEN-LINE HS system technology. In particular, the pure water system excels thanks to its low space requirements and plug & play connections. All components required for pure water treatment are already integrated, such as pretreatment, reverse osmosis, supply tank, pressure-boosting station and UV disinfection. The treated water is almost completely free of salts, silica and silicon oxide.
The pure water system easily adheres to the limit values specified in DIN EN 15883 and DIN EN 285:2016-05. The strict limit values ensure that no infections or cross contaminations are transmitted from the cleaned instruments. There are no smears, stripes or deposits on the instruments.
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